So you’re getting a headshot! Here’s everything you need to know.

Our studio is upstairs at 13b Edgar St, Ainslie Shops. Look for the door that says “Thorson Photography.” Parking is free but limited so please allow a few extra minutes to find a space.

What to Expect

It won’t be as bad as you think. You might even have fun! We’ll probably ask you to do things that feel weird, like twist in a way that feels unnatural or to wiggle your body. Trust us. We’re on your side and we want your final images to look great. The more you relax and just go with it the better your images will be.

What to Wear

Wear whatever you like but don’t overdress. You want to look like yourself. Wear clothes that fit well. Bold colours are great but try to avoid anything with really busy patterns. They can be distracting in headshots. Jewellery is good. If in doubt bring multiple outfits and we can help you decide.

Wear makeup if you normally wear makeup but don’t go overboard. We can remove pimples and other blemishes in photoshop so there’s no need to try to cover everything. Maybe bring a hairbrush if it’s a windy day.

And please remember our “headshots” include a lot more than your head and shoulders so be sure to dress from head to toe. Don’t wear anything you don’t want to be seen in the photo.

After the Shoot

Shortly after the shoot we’ll send you a link to online gallery where you can view all the images and pick your favourites.

And don’t forget to stop by the Ainslie IGA on your way out. It’s the best in Australia and has a terrific cheese section!